Those of you who read Kerri's blog will get a double dose of the awesome weekend we had! Complete with the same pictures. Family for the win!
We were so excited that Kerri and Jane could come up to visit us! They haven't spent a ton of time in Idaho, and the weather right now is...well it's a Rexburg winter, so you may catch my drift if you've survived one! They arrived Thursday afternoon and stayed till Saturday evening. I love spending time with family! I was so glad to just chat with Kerri about everything and anything, it was really fun to get to know her better (since usually when I see her it's at least with Jeff, if not with the rest of the family too!).
Besides talking about babies and families and parenting and all things motherhood, we also crafted! And cut/baked an entire bag of Rexburg, ID potatoes into homemade french fries and hashbrowns. We always have a bag of frozen fries and hashbrowns, they are a staple around here, and we were running low! We took a trip to Idaho Falls (with Tom and the babes) and assembled breakfast burritos to freeze and have on hand. All in all, a very successful, productive, and super fun weekend!
This picture...I die every time!
Jane is full of personality and energy, I loved having her around!
If you're going to ride in a Kohl's shopping cart, Jane will show you how it's done.
I can't get enough of this little guy! He doesn't love his car seat, so this view was short lived. He was held in every store we went to.
Jane and Ian loved each other! It was the cutest thing. He would smile at her a ton, she was always so concerned about him, particularly when he was getting his diaper changed or when he was crying. If he was sad, she would kiss the couch or whatever was near him, but not him. Hilarious!
She asked to hold him a few times, it was so cute.
She is going to be an awesome big sister!
We miss you already! Come back soon, Andersen's! (Seriously!)