Thursday, May 29, 2014

A year and a half

The other day, as we were driving home from Utah, Tom mentioned that we had been together for a year and a half. It fit in with the conversation, but it totally caught me off guard and I've been thinking about it a lot since he said it.

That was us a year and a half ago, just about. That was the first "normal" picture we have together, and I don't care to share the real first one. I should point out that normal means we're both making regular, happy faces.

I loved Tom quickly. I knew early on that I wanted to be with him. Our relationship was unlike any that I had ever experienced and even if it forced me to be patient, every day felt right, felt natural, felt good. It was good to be with this man, and I didn't want that goodness to ever leave my life.

Eventually, we officially started dating. Then, we got engaged and ours is my favorite engagement story. Then we got married, and our wedding day was perfect in practically every way. Since then, we've started our family and are anxious to meet our little one in November.

Am I making sense here? Probably not. What I'm trying to say is that every day continues to be right and good and natural. Being in love with and being married to and preparing to be parents with Tom continues to be the best, most good (in the truest sense of the word) part of my life.

For the first time in my life, being with someone for a year and a half doesn't make me want to sit down and wipe away the sweat from effort and burden of "making it work", like I so often felt in the past. A year and a half with Tom doesn't feel like enough. And that's because it's not! We have eternities ahead of us. I can't even comprehend it but I get so excited thinking about spending it with him.

Basically, I'm in love and I don't care who knows it. For a whole year and a half now.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Tom and I both loving planning surprises. We also both love getting out of Rexburg, and we were well over due for a break from our crazy schedules. So we planned a surprise visit to Lake Point, and Friday afternoon headed to Tom's parent's house. Thus began the perfect weekend that we wished wouldn't have ended!

Friday, we just relaxed. Stayed up WAY too late...later than we've ever stayed up in our whole marriage! We even did the whole midnight snack thing, except at 2:30 in the morning. Cookies and milk hit the spot, and the baby thanked me.

Saturday, we did homework, and enjoyed being super lazy. That afternoon we went on a run, then went rollerblading! I know, I'm 16 weeks pregnant and rollerblading. Sue me! It was a blast just riding around the church parking lot like we were little kids again. And yes, I was very careful.

Looking super hot in our roller blading gear ;)

After getting cleaned up, we prepared Hobo dinners (or tinfoil dinners if you prefer that name) and then filled up some plastic cups with colored water and went shooting with BB guns! 

We loved being out by the fire, having smores and the whole shebang. I love that Tom enjoys that as much as I do, we both love being outside together better than just about anything. We didn't shoot bows and arrows this time, but we'll get it on the next trip. 

Sunday we went to church and loved hearing people tell us about how our lives are about to change and how I don't look pregnant. Okay that's a touch of sarcasm there because I'm proud of the bump that I have and we're well aware our lives are going to change. But we are so excited to have that change! No matter how hard parenting might be, we are ready to take that challenge on together.
After church I took a nap outside for a bit and it was glorious! We had yummy food, took another super long nap, and enjoyed a lazy Sunday. The neighbors invited us over to shoot their rifles and we couldn't refuse! They're just good ol' neighbors - drinkin' beer and shooting guns on the Sabbath! We had such a good time, and not because we consumed alcohol. Because we didn't. Just clearing that up!
After shooting, we went over to the Lake Point cemetery to decorate Grandpa Cook's grave. I began there a family history project that I'll share more details on another time, but we all enjoyed the visit.

Monday we did a bit more homework, then went for a hike up South Willow Canyon! It was a beautiful day and I'd never been out that far into Tooele. Neither Tom nor I were feeling at the top of our game, but it was still a really great hike.  We had a fun picnic with the family and loved soaking up the sun. I devoured more of Work and the Glory #1 on the way home (umm WHY have I never read those all the way through before?!) while Tom slept.We can't wait to do more hiking!

I promise there were other people there, Tom and I just really enjoy taking 'selfies' ;) I just figured it was high time I put some pictures on this blog, and pictures of Tom and I are the only ones we have from the weekend!

It was such a fun weekend, and I wish it would have lasted just a little bit longer, I was not ready to come back to reality. It always seems to hit harder after a long weekend, doesn't it?

While in Utah, my allergies decided to make their presence known. They had bothered me a little bit the few days before, but they were super bad in Utah. Three cheers for no makeup and constant sniffing! I'm really happy that I can have benadryl now that I'm in my second trimester, and I look forward to a much better sleep tonight because of it.

And here we are, back in Rexburg! I love short weeks, even if I feel a little off balance. We're excited for some fun things coming up in the next few weeks, so stay tuned! I might even post another picture ;)

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Dear ____, Please ______

When I was single and living with some of the greatest girls on the planet, I had a roommate named Mandy who loved the website "Dear (blank) Please (blank)". The website was just a bunch of people writing really funny things that they wish would happen, or not happen. I have a few to summarize my day/week/current status in life, and it will serve as an update for you. Aren't you lucky?

Dear boy across from me at the library,
Yes, we can all see you picking your nose. And yes, we noticed when you 'stretched' and flicked it who knows where. Please stop picking your nose.
Grossed out

Dear baby,
I haven't seen you in 8 weeks or heard you in 4. Please keep growing and getting strong. I wouldn't mind a kick in the tummy in the next couple of weeks here, either. Just a little reminder for me, yeah?

Dear husband,
Please don't change a thing. I love you.
Lil' Nitz

Dear weekend,

Dear people interested in renting our apartment,
One of you PLEASE listen to me and trust me when I say that we have a good deal, and that it's worth it to buy the contract early. That's what we did, and I'm so so glad we did. Also, please call instead of text. Oh, and please tell me your names so that when you come to see the house it's not awkward. Well, not THAT awkward.
Desperate Apartment Leaser

Dear Rexburg,
Enough with the wind, huh? Your sunshine is quite sufficient to cheer me up, but I could really do without the wind. Please desist, just for a few hours.
Wind blown

Dear baby,
 Hey, it's me again! Please make me have a craving for chocolate cake or something terrible that is a real pregnancy craving so that I can have a legitimate excuse to get off this dessert fast.
Sugar mama. Rather, lack of sugar mama

Dear audience,
Please don't hate me for never posting pictures.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Doing God's Work

Today, we were privileged to attend a Regional Conference that was broadcast from the BYU-Idaho Center here on campus. Elder L. Tom Perry, Elder Shayne Bowen, Sis. Jean Stephens of the Primary Presidency and Elder Donald Hallstrom all spoke to us and I am so grateful for that opportunity to hear from them! Two of the talks were focused a lot on missionary work, which got me really pumped. Tom and I are working to become better member missionaries, even here in Rexburg!

But this morning while I was getting ready, I watched a Mormon Message. Tom and I just watched it again and I was struck with the thought that what I'm doing right now - preparing to bring a child into the world, is God's work. I am very humbled to soon be a mother to a righteous, special, sweet son or daughter of Heavenly Father, saved for this day. I am intimidated by the task, but found such comfort and peace in Elder Holland's words.

They show it and Elder Holland says it a lot better than I can, so you should just watch this video:

I can't wait to have this baby. I can't wait to stay up late and run on little sleep and maybe even cry out of frustration and exhaustion. A lot of people would probably say "just wait till you're there, you'll be whistling a different tune", and maybe that's true. But I look at my sisters and the incredible examples they are, and I can't help but be anxious for that time when I worry about picky eaters, getting laundry done, potty training methods, etc.

I know it's not going to be easy, and I don't expect it to be. I just hope and pray that during that time, I'll remember to slow down and be with my kids...that's what I want more than anything. I want to play in the mud with them, read to them, build cardboard castles and rocket ships with them. I want them to remember me as someone who wouldn't just watch over them, but stand by them, get in the trenches with them, and be right there, anytime. Every time.

That is what doing God's work is about, Sis. Stephens taught us today, it's all about the Savior's love for everyone, about spreading it by having that love and giving love. What a greater way to do that work than by raising children in a place where they feel that love, both by the spirit and by their mother? I'm enjoying being pregnant, but I cannot wait until I can more fully participate in God's work by being a mother.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

An update, of sorts

This semester has been oh so nice. My classes are all pretty fun and easy, and I've been able to stay on top of assignments, etc. well. It's such a blessing! I thought that with my spare time I would be super good at doing the dishes and keeping our bathroom floor clean or something wifely like that. Maybe even make nice dinner a few times a week, that kind of thing.

And if not that, then surely I could do some reading! So many books on my list of great things to read. And oh how I would craft. And sell our apartment contract. And be a super good visiting teacher.

But sometimes, day to day things aren't what you think they'll be! Somehow, I stay busy with 12 credits and a part time job. 12 pretty easy credits, I should say. It's been a blessing and so great to stay on top of school, and as it's my last semester I'm trying to soak up every second I spend in the classroom.

So you want to know what we actually do instead of what we planned to do? Well, I'll tell you. Prepare yourself for a dry Cook update!

Our typical day consists of me waking up just before 6 to get ready for work at 7. When I get out of the shower, I wake Tom up so that he can get going for the day. I leave for work. I try to keep my phone in my backpack while I walk places these days, after hearing Elder Ballard's CES devotional and his challenge to make quiet time. It's been an incredible change! After work, I go to my classes. Then I exercise. Somewhere along the way (more like all along the way), I snack. A lot. Pregnant lady's gotta eat! In fact, we just invested in a unisex lunch box that I can use on the days I need it and Tom can have on the other days. Nifty! I do homework intermittently or concoct game and lesson ideas for my piano student. I exercise, and am loving the excuse of having to do it for homework. I've been doing more strength training lately (don't worry, I checked with my doctor, I got the green light with a big huge double thumbs up, so I'm lifting and loving it.) Even if I feel sore a majority of the time, I feel strong and I like to think I'm preparing my body for childbirth. Except for you can't really prepare for having yourself ripped open. Moving on!

Now for the husband. Tom is spread very thin this semester. He is teaching Body Weight Management and loving that opportunity, even if his class doesn't get all his jokes ;) He's also the director of Wellness Activities and goes to a loooot of meetings. He's a big boy now! And then just a normal load of classes, which he's enjoying this semester. He continues to amaze me with his capacity to retain knowledge he gets from his classes. He teaches me about some of the things he's learning and I just applaud him for getting it and doing so well. He also continues to amaze me with how well he handles things and keeps working so hard, even when things are difficult.

Together, we try to exercise as often as possible. It's more fun when we're together :) We enjoy dinner at a normal time this semester (usually), and we try to do scriptures, a 10 minute pick up of the house, and be in bed by 10. We've been doing pretty well! We're also beginning to memorize the Proclamation to the World, which is fun. We've done verses of scripture in the past, but this is a fun change.

Current obsessions in our home:
Captain Phillips. We watched it last week and Tom talked and thought and googled about it for a couple of days straight!
Multi-Grain Cheerios. Okay that's just me, but hello! So good!
Making personal pizzas on french bread.
Fried zuccini. That's just Tom, I don't love it myself.
The SUNSHINE! I sat outside for an hour and it felt so so soooo nice to get a little sun on my skin!
Our baby! I'm 15 weeks now, and feeling so great still, even better than before. I have so much energy! I think second trimester combined with the arrival of Spring has made for a rise in my spirit. We talk about our baby often and are so excited to hear the heartbeat again and see him/her again, find out the gender, and eventually meet our little one. Even if the whole "don't lay on your back past the first trimester rule" is really throwing a kink in my sleeping groove and it makes me cranky every night when Tom reminds me to roll to my side and I just want to lay on my stomach. Aside from that, being pregnant is really great. I'm even starting to show a little bit, which I am VERY proud of.

All in all, we are doing very well over here, even if I don't blog about it very well. It's weird, I feel like we're brand newly wed stage again for some reason. Spring time twitterpation, ya know? Tom is the best husband in the world and I am so in love with him and with this life that we have. We are oh so blessed.


Thursday, May 1, 2014

May Day!

Things have been just so glorious around here lately. Since getting over that nasty flu, life has been surprisingly busy again, which I wasn't anticipating for this semester. But alas, here we are, with assignments to do, a new calling to fulfill, errands to run, an apartment contract to sell (we're moving!), and a thousand things to do.

Yesterday was one of those especially hectic days, and I ran (literally) from my P.E. Methods class to the car, and made it to my OB-GYN appointment with one minute to spare. I don't like being late to the doctor cause then they'll be late for you, ya know? I was stinky from my class, and had no idea what they were going to do at the appointment. I anticipated just asking him questions, etc. So the nurse makes me pee in a cup (always asking for my urine! Why?!), takes my weight (I gained one pound, which puts me 2.5 pounds below my normal pre-pregnancy weight...), and leads me to a different room. She tells me to lay down and says "let's listen to your baby's heartbeat!"

My heart stopped beating for just a second, because I wasn't expecting this. I was mad at first because they didn't tell me this would be happening and Tom wasn't there with me and I knew he would want to hear it and..and..and...

I lay very still, which is hard to do on that crinkly paper, and waited. She searched and searched and it sounded weird. And then, I heard it.

A very rapid bom-bom, bom-bom, bom-bom. My baby's heart was beating oh so fast. "There it is!" the nurse said excitedly. She looked at me, just laying there, staring up at the ceiling, memorizing the sound of my child's heartbeat. "Isn't it amazing?" she said. My eyes started to well up with tears as I said "yeah, that's pretty incredible".

I didn't cry when I first saw the baby, even though I was expecting to. Then, at a time when I wasn't expecting, I heard our baby. I didn't have time beforehand to decide how I would react, it just happened. It was such a beautiful moment, that I couldn't help but cry. I'm sad that Tom couldn't be there, but he'll hear the heart beat next time.

It was a nice bonding moment for Baby and I. Because I've been spared from a lot of pregnancy symptoms, I sometimes forget I'm pregnant. No, I'm not joking. And I felt guilty about that! But ever since I heard that bom-bom, bom-bom, bom-bom, I cannot stop thinking about the little child growing inside of me, bigger than a lime now! Baby consumes my thoughts, and I can't say that I mind at all. I'm so grateful to be more aware of the baby, feel closer to the baby.

I can't wait to be a mom to this special spirit. I can't wait to put my ear to their little chest and listen to their heart beat again and remember when I felt like I met them for the first time.