Sunday, May 18, 2014

Doing God's Work

Today, we were privileged to attend a Regional Conference that was broadcast from the BYU-Idaho Center here on campus. Elder L. Tom Perry, Elder Shayne Bowen, Sis. Jean Stephens of the Primary Presidency and Elder Donald Hallstrom all spoke to us and I am so grateful for that opportunity to hear from them! Two of the talks were focused a lot on missionary work, which got me really pumped. Tom and I are working to become better member missionaries, even here in Rexburg!

But this morning while I was getting ready, I watched a Mormon Message. Tom and I just watched it again and I was struck with the thought that what I'm doing right now - preparing to bring a child into the world, is God's work. I am very humbled to soon be a mother to a righteous, special, sweet son or daughter of Heavenly Father, saved for this day. I am intimidated by the task, but found such comfort and peace in Elder Holland's words.

They show it and Elder Holland says it a lot better than I can, so you should just watch this video:

I can't wait to have this baby. I can't wait to stay up late and run on little sleep and maybe even cry out of frustration and exhaustion. A lot of people would probably say "just wait till you're there, you'll be whistling a different tune", and maybe that's true. But I look at my sisters and the incredible examples they are, and I can't help but be anxious for that time when I worry about picky eaters, getting laundry done, potty training methods, etc.

I know it's not going to be easy, and I don't expect it to be. I just hope and pray that during that time, I'll remember to slow down and be with my kids...that's what I want more than anything. I want to play in the mud with them, read to them, build cardboard castles and rocket ships with them. I want them to remember me as someone who wouldn't just watch over them, but stand by them, get in the trenches with them, and be right there, anytime. Every time.

That is what doing God's work is about, Sis. Stephens taught us today, it's all about the Savior's love for everyone, about spreading it by having that love and giving love. What a greater way to do that work than by raising children in a place where they feel that love, both by the spirit and by their mother? I'm enjoying being pregnant, but I cannot wait until I can more fully participate in God's work by being a mother.

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