Thursday, February 27, 2014

Picture Catch Up

I am just now getting caught up with the rest of the world where I plug my phone into my computer to get my pictures, instead of avoiding blogging from my phone, and sending myself emails of pictures to blog. SO. There's a LOT of pictures I want to put up. I may have mentioned them here before, and that's okay. I really like pictures and am determined to do better about taking and sharing them!

The morning of the Temple-to-Temple relay...last semester. Like, beginning of the semester. I know, I'm terrible. But it was such a fun day! So cold that morning!!

Temple-to-Temple again, a car full of friends!

At the end of the Temple-to-Temple :)

A very regular occurrence in our home - chocolate chip pancakes.

Over Christmas we got to spend time with the Baker's and make Graham Cracker houses! Mine was an attempt at the Painted Ladies (Full House house, anyone?). Fail!

Tom was going for a hour with a garage, but then it turned into a church!

Our first Christmas eve together :)

New Year's Eve together, for the second year in a row! They just keep getting better!

One of my favorite Christmas gifts was a Texas-shaped waffle maker. We use it often, but sometimes we don't quite fill it enough to get all of east Texas...sorry guys. Nothing personal.

One of our favorite meals - BBQ chicken roll ups! I'll need to post that recipe sometime.

Every other week, we made about 80 muffins. And it's awesome. We love our muffins!

Excuse the non-rotated picture. Tom made sushi! I still didn't like it, but he loves it so much and I love watching him make it. He's pro! :)

One of the things that has taken up most of Tom's time this semester is his internship with The Biggest Winner on campus. He's the Wellness Coach for Team Yellow!
On Saturday they had their second team challenge, the Try-a-Tri! I did it too, but in an earlier heat. It was such a blast! They all did so so so good and we're so proud of them!

We really love these guys. They inspire us!

And that's about it for now :) 

One year older and wiser too

I remember on my birthday every year, the first thing my Dad would say to me, as he gave me a big bear hug, is "how does it feel to be ___?" I would always joke with him that it felt so different, that I was a new woman.

Well yesterday was the best birthday ever! I got spoiled by friends and family, and most especially by my sweet Tom. Tuesday night we went to the Cheap Seats to see a movie. We saw Gravity. It was good, but I'm glad it was such a cheap showing (thank you 2.50 Tuesdays!). We probably won't ever see it again. It was so fun to walk to the theater and sneak in candy (wait, what?) and just enjoy being together! We rarely see movies, so it was a fun treat :)

When I came out of our room in the morning, I found that Tom had kept the Cook tradition alive by decorating the house! Please take note of the giant yellow balloon and the little green bean one in the center of the carpet. Also, please don't look too long, you might notice how messy our house is! 

An inside joke that will never tire. It stems from a great question: would you rather have a duck the size of a horse, or 100 horses the size of a duck? I immediately and confidently chose 100 duck-sized horses. Whenever we're doing something sneaky for each other, we say we're grooming or feeding or cleaning the horses. Isn't Tom a great artist? ;)

Even our managers remembered to wish me a happy day, on the receipt for our rent :)

It was such a wonderful day!! My favorite part was eating cookie bar things and Goo-Goo cluster ice cream on the couch as Tom and I watched "The Secret Life of Bees". I was so overwhelmed with contentment and happiness. I love this life. I love everything about it. Sometimes I forget that, and it's nice to have a reminder. There are always more blessings than trials. Always! A birthday is a wonderful way to remember that :) Thank you for all the sweet calls and texts and love sent my way! I am one happy 22 year old!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

These Women

In my Women's Health class, we talk about a lot of different aspects of health, particularly how we as women are affected by those things. So naturally, I think about women I know a lot. For an upcoming guest speaker, we were asked to listen to four talks about our bodies, about being women, about body image, and things like that.

My first point to make is that I am so grateful to be a member of the church where we have truth spoken to us on a monthly basis through church magazines, and bi-annually in a General Conference of the church, each week in our church meetings, and even every day as archived talks, new videos and inspirational messages are all online. It's baffling, there really isn't another organization out there like the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I feel so overwhelmingly lucky.

Secondly, as I listened to the talks, my heart wanted to burst as I thought of these women in my family. The older I get, the more I admire and appreciate them. I am learning about them on new levels, and it inspires me.

God made women divinely. Not that men are made un-divinely, but you get what I mean. We are powerful creations, and I just can't quite put into words how grateful I am to be a woman. One day, I will bring children into the world, and that is such a special capability. Sacred, really. More than just to be a woman, I am grateful to know that I am a daughter of Heavenly Father. Because as wonderful as it is to be a woman, it just wouldn't mean as much if I didn't know that I was specially created by my eternal Heavenly, perfect Father to do marvelous things that only a woman, only I, can do.

I have watched these women (just ignore that handsome young man on my left in the first picture) go through hard things, each and every one of them. And every one of them has shown such incredible strength during those hard times. I don't know if I would be able to do what they do! But I know that when I do go through hard times, they are there for me. We may be far apart in distance, but I love building such close relationships with them even as we are far apart. I am so blessed.

"God placed within women divine qualities of strength, virtue, love, and the willingness to sacrifice to raise future generations of His spirit children." - Quentin L. Cook

The four talks I watched/read were:
Decisions for Eternity - Russel M. Nelson
Love Her Mother - Elaine S. Dalton
To Young Women - Jeffrey R. Holland
Mothers and Daughters - M. Russell Ballard

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Substitution Principle

So my husband is really healthy, and when we met I was not. Adjusting has been slow and steady, but hey, it's happening! I've been thinking about how that is. Tom talks about it frequently in regards to his clients, and I think it applies to more than just nutrition. It's the principle of substitution, and it's a pretty easy concept to grasp - you make small changes by substituting one bad thing for a better thing.

For example: I substituted white tortillas for wheat tortillas. I substituted sugary cereals for raisin bran (don't get me started, I LOVE RAISIN BRAN. So that was an easy perma-substitution :) ). We've been trying to be better about what kinds of music and movies we let into our home, and so we've substituted with cleaner things. I substituted my running music for Mormon Conversations on the Mormon Channel (I threw that one in because they invited me to tell my friends about them, and to make them a part of my day, every day. Don't worry if you didn't understand that part, you have to listen to it to know exactly what I'm talking about). As it so happened to turn out, I feel MUCH better when I run to the Conversations rather than music. Weird, huh?

Sometimes I get discouraged because I'm trying to improve myself and prepare myself for the best family life that I can manage, and people get me down. I'm not trying to be more righteous than anybody else, except for my old self. I'm not trying to out-health anyone else or be more fit than anyone. I'm just trying to be better because God wants me to be. He wants that for all of us! So shouldn't we be celebrating everyone's attempts at substitution for the better things?

And by that same token, I really need to stop judging. If I don't like it when people judge me for what I do or say, then why do I have such a hard time allowing that for others? Which reminds me. In my World Religions class, we've obviously been studying other religions. And in a few of them is this foundational principle that my teacher calls The Silver Rule: "Confucius say: Do not do to others what you would not want done to you." Interesting, isn't it? As a Latter-Day Saint, I know (though I struggle to live) a higher law, the Golden Rule, that we Do unto others what we would have others do unto us. I like that difference.

Okay, let's get back from that tangent, where were we?

And even though I'm not perfect on those substitutions, and I still sometimes have a desire to revert to my old ways, and boy howdy I still have a long way to go...I feel like I'm getting somewhere. I don't always feel that way though, sometimes I look at my "to-do-and-be in life" list and get discouraged. I'm grateful for my sister-in-law for making me feel like I'm not the only one!

Perhaps this is selfish of me, but I pray to recognize my strengths as often as I pray to recognize my weaknesses. Sometimes I see one or the other more apparently, which is how I know I still have work to do, but I am becoming more confident in who I am at this point in my life. I'm working towards good goals, I'm trying to fill my day with good things, and right now that's all I can worry about. That makes me feel good. I'm trying to find ways to make more simple substitutions, and I'm grateful for the examples around me that help me to do that, and inspire me to make the changes I need.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Happy Heart Day, Indeed

Yesterday was mine and Tom's 6 month anniversary! It also happened to be Valentine's Day, and I think we should get some kind of award for not planning that out but being awesome and making it happen anyway. It was fun to try to plan little things for each other leading up to the holiday, and it turned out to be the most perfect Valentine's Day I've ever had!

I woke up a few minutes before the alarm went off and tried to sneak out of bed to set up my surprise, but Tom woke up too. I told him to stay in bed for a bit, then went out to decorate, and I find that great minds really do think alike: Tom had already put hearts all around the living room and kitchen! But, I decided to put mine up anyway (since they were a little different, I had a reason I love him written on every heart). So we had approximately 1 billion hearts all around our house, and it was so fun! We didn't have long to relish in the moment, but we said sappy things and kissed and headed out for the day.

After classes, meetings, appointments, etc., I came home and found yet another surprise - a beautiful mini rose plant, with a very sweet note from Tom. Then I took a little nap, which is always one of the best parts of the day if I can sneak one in somewhere, until Tom came home. We cuddled and chatted about our days, and then walked to the Thai restaurant just around the corner. A HUGE thank you to the Baker's for the gift card! We got not one, not two, but three delectable dishes, and tried to control ourselves so that we would have some leftovers.

Dinner was quite a success, and then we went home to make treats and eat them while we watched Grease. It was so simple and perfect. I love my life with Tom! Being married to him for the last six months has been the best time of my life.

I'm also so grateful that I had the chance to reflect on love in general yesterday. One of the greatest loves is the love of God towards us, His children. That love has sustained me throughout my life, and I love Him right back. Maybe not as perfectly (definitely not), but I do love my Heavenly Father, and my Savior Jesus Christ, and the gift of love He gave me when He performed the Atonement for my mistakes. Love is a powerful thing, I daresay the most powerful thing! I hope everyone felt love yesterday, because we all are so loved. Oh so loved.

Happy Heart Day!

Monday, February 10, 2014

Recipes galore!

If you are interested in finding some wonderful recipes for families of all budgets, sizes, and taste bud preferences, head on over to A Spoonful of Sisters blog! I just posted our amazing healthy muffin recipe that I dare you to try and not love! We (as in the other 6 sisters in the spoonful) have been absent for a while, but I promise you that I'll do better to post recipes more often. There's already a plethora, so you have a head start. Happy cooking!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

I love this guy.

I've been thinking lately, and I decided that even if he eats all the chocolate chips, I still love this guy. I love cooking with you, Tom. I love singing and playing the piano with you. I love playing ridiculous games and calling each other ridiculous names. I love obsessing over Thai food and peanut butter with you. I love challenging ourselves. I love falling asleep holding your hand. I love waking your cranky bum up to pray together. I love seeing you teach. I love going on adventures with you. I love thinking about our future and seeing light and happiness.

I basically wanted to say that no matter what, I love you. Thank you for loving me too.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Shoulda Coulda Woulda

I should be cleaning up the house, doing dishes, doing homework, doing laundry, doing something. But there are thoughts weighing heavily on my mind and I wanted to just blurb them out, take them for what you will or won't. Comment or don't.

The values of the world are getting lost. While people have always had differing opinions, it seems that we have lost the art of respect and gratitude, and we scream awful terrible things over the internet with no tact. Satan has great hold upon the hearts of the world.

I wish I could say I'm exempt, but I'm not. I judge, I criticize, I am rude and unkind. But I know that my efforts are valued in God's sight. I try to be obedient, I try to love, I try to be kind and say nice things, to control the natural woman in me that is oh so far from God.

I get scared that things are getting worse. Gray is no longer gray, but is becoming more distinctively divided into black and white. I get scared that people seem to be looking for a rule to defy, a principle to challenge, a lifestyle to break away from. I get scared that people don't have a desire to be good. And more than scared I just get so very sad.

An inspiring video that was made with the voice over of BYU-Idaho's President Kim B. Clark compares the battle with pornography to a real battle field, and how if you knew someone was wounded physically on the battle field, you would want to help them. Likewise, those with spiritual injuries need saving too. And often it takes another soldier to help them to safety and care. The video is more profound each time I watch it.

And do you want to know how people reacted to the movie? They hated it. Instead of letting the message touch their hearts and inspire them with courage to change or be the change for someone else, they started sharing feelings and comments that exactly replicated what Pres. Clark said Satan would tell them. Oh, the irony. "Don't get involved". "Everyone does it". "Don't be a tattle tale" "It's not your problem".

I feel so sad when I see people bashing on my school president, and the Honor Code we have here that I love so dearly and do my best to follow. I want to scream sometimes "JUST LEAVE". If you don't like it, then GO. Leave this campus. But then I realize that the problem is not that they're here, that they're spoiling the spirit of Ricks, let alone offending the spirit of God. The problem is that they don't understand.

I can empathize, I didn't always understand myself. And it took a great many people dragging me off the spiritual battle field to help. I think we've all been there to some extent or another, haven't we? I hope so.

But now that I know, I really know. And I wish everyone knew. I wish I could tell them, or show them, or somehow teach them. But if they were anything like I was, they don't want to know. It's hard to know, because then you can't look back or go back without immense guilt.

I know that everyone is going through a battle, that none of is exempt from trials and weaknesses. I know that Christ atoned for those sins and mistakes we make because of those trials and weaknesses. I know what it's like to be freed from that burden when we allow Him to take it from us. I know that the process is not easy, that it takes a lot of time. But I know it can be done. I know that the Honor Code is an inspired way to live your life, and that obedience to the Honor Code will bring you happiness. Not fake happiness, but real and lasting joy. I know that God intends for us to be like Him, and that can't happen until we know Him and have a desire to be with and like Him. I know He loves us, and I love Him.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Making The Change

I've been thinking a lot lately about how different my life is today than it would have been if I had continued on certain paths. I'm not proud of where I've been, but grateful for those people and those things that steered me in the right direction.

While many of those changes that brought me to where I am today are very personal, there is one that I want to proclaim to the world: DIET AND EXERCISE! If you know my husband, you know that this is an important thing in our family. Before I met him, I was all otter pops and ice cream. If I put forth the effort to make a meal, it was stake and instant potatoes. And I thought I was doing pretty good because I was skinny. And that's what it's about, right?

Oh so wrong. And I know we all know that, but do we really know that? Do we really know how bad that is - to be unfit? I believe what God said in Doctrine and Covenants 29:34 that "all things are spiritual". It just took me a while to figure that out.

Since dating, being engaged to, and marrying Tom, my attitude and life have changed drastically in this area. I believed that I could still be a really good person without being concerned about my body. Because isn't focusing on our bodies selfish and conceited and ungodly?

But I don't want to be a really good person. I want to be the best person I can be, which includes great concern with my health and wellness. That doesn't mean I'm selfish at all! That means I'm trying to be a good steward over this body I've been given with temporarily. This isn't a hindrance in my life, in fact it is the greatest physical change I've ever made.

I began to look at labels. Not for calories necessarily, but for ingredients. What am I putting into my body?
I began to eat more vegetables and fruits and whole grains.
I began to exercise.

And do you want to know what happened?

I sleep better every night.
I find that I have more time in the day to do what I swore I wouldn't be able to do if I made the time to exercise. That may be because....
I have more energy.
I feel stronger.
I feel in control of my life.
I gained confidence.
I feel more gratitude for what I can do every day.
'Symptoms' have disappeared.

And a whole lot of other things.

I'm still no expert, and I still crave chocolate and cake and deep fried foods. And every once in a while, we eat all those things! We find our lives equally full of good food and all the great things that come with it. In fact, I feel MORE joy. I feel humbled, because so many people talk about how important it is, and I thought I was the exception.

Do I look any different? No, not really. Besides the 6 pack that I'm working on ;) And that should never be the focus! It should be on being fit - keeping your diet and exercise in an area where you feel that you are truly in alignment with the Word of Wisdom and with modern revelation from prophets and apostles. Be in a place where you can receive personal revelation more easily because you are awake, alert, and aware.

I feel just outright happy. My changes feel drastic, though they really weren't. I'm SO grateful for my husband who encouraged but never pushed. One big bonus to all of this is feeling closer to him. Every prayer we say includes gratitude for healthy bodies and healthy food, and a request for that continued blessing as we do our part to maintain our health. I feel like a whole new world has opened up to me! Not because I now spend all my time at the gym, because I don't. Because I know that at the end of the day, I have exercised, eaten well, and been spiritually fed. That makes me feel very accomplished.

I could probably go on for a long time, but World Religions looms, as do the great snow clouds and wind outside, so I must bundle up and be off. But I will most definitely talk about this again. Soon.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Perfect Sunday

Yesterday was the perfect Sunday. It went a little like this:

We slept in.
We ate cereal in bed.
We indexed in bed (talk about the greatest calling ever! No dressing up or meetings...just my computer in my bed!)
We tried to shower but it was FREEZING. Thank you to everyone in the complex getting in the shower at the same time. I might have had a minor melt down, don't ask me why. Sweet husband runs to get the heater and brings it in, and puts 3 pots of water on the stove to start boiling. Then he set up a nice relaxing bath, and it was PERFECT.
My hair actually looked good yesterday! It's amazing what happens when I take the time to really do it.
Tom looked SO HANDSOME yesterday on account of he is super good looking. Plus he was wearing a shirt my mom bought him for Christmas as a trial run and WOW. I did good, y'all.

After church we fixed up pulled pork enchiladas and 4 layer bean dip. In honor of the Super Bowl, which neither of us have ever watched. But we can't deny the food is great!
While eating, we watched the Glenn Beck Conversion Story.
We walked to the Snow building to play the piano for a while. On the way back, Tom wrote this in the snow for me to see while I walk to and from campus:

We talked, danced in the kitchen, relaxed, wrote a card to someone special, emailed my brother, read scriptures, and stayed up till 12 making delicious healthy muffins that we're OBSESSED with. I'll have to post the recipe one day.

Then I don't really remember what happened because I was so dang tired. But I remember falling asleep holding Tom's hand and thinking that if every Sunday was like yesterday, or even half as good, I would feel pretty dang lucky my whole life long.

I love this life of ours :)