Saturday, February 15, 2014

A Happy Heart Day, Indeed

Yesterday was mine and Tom's 6 month anniversary! It also happened to be Valentine's Day, and I think we should get some kind of award for not planning that out but being awesome and making it happen anyway. It was fun to try to plan little things for each other leading up to the holiday, and it turned out to be the most perfect Valentine's Day I've ever had!

I woke up a few minutes before the alarm went off and tried to sneak out of bed to set up my surprise, but Tom woke up too. I told him to stay in bed for a bit, then went out to decorate, and I find that great minds really do think alike: Tom had already put hearts all around the living room and kitchen! But, I decided to put mine up anyway (since they were a little different, I had a reason I love him written on every heart). So we had approximately 1 billion hearts all around our house, and it was so fun! We didn't have long to relish in the moment, but we said sappy things and kissed and headed out for the day.

After classes, meetings, appointments, etc., I came home and found yet another surprise - a beautiful mini rose plant, with a very sweet note from Tom. Then I took a little nap, which is always one of the best parts of the day if I can sneak one in somewhere, until Tom came home. We cuddled and chatted about our days, and then walked to the Thai restaurant just around the corner. A HUGE thank you to the Baker's for the gift card! We got not one, not two, but three delectable dishes, and tried to control ourselves so that we would have some leftovers.

Dinner was quite a success, and then we went home to make treats and eat them while we watched Grease. It was so simple and perfect. I love my life with Tom! Being married to him for the last six months has been the best time of my life.

I'm also so grateful that I had the chance to reflect on love in general yesterday. One of the greatest loves is the love of God towards us, His children. That love has sustained me throughout my life, and I love Him right back. Maybe not as perfectly (definitely not), but I do love my Heavenly Father, and my Savior Jesus Christ, and the gift of love He gave me when He performed the Atonement for my mistakes. Love is a powerful thing, I daresay the most powerful thing! I hope everyone felt love yesterday, because we all are so loved. Oh so loved.

Happy Heart Day!

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