Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

Tom and I both loving planning surprises. We also both love getting out of Rexburg, and we were well over due for a break from our crazy schedules. So we planned a surprise visit to Lake Point, and Friday afternoon headed to Tom's parent's house. Thus began the perfect weekend that we wished wouldn't have ended!

Friday, we just relaxed. Stayed up WAY too late...later than we've ever stayed up in our whole marriage! We even did the whole midnight snack thing, except at 2:30 in the morning. Cookies and milk hit the spot, and the baby thanked me.

Saturday, we did homework, and enjoyed being super lazy. That afternoon we went on a run, then went rollerblading! I know, I'm 16 weeks pregnant and rollerblading. Sue me! It was a blast just riding around the church parking lot like we were little kids again. And yes, I was very careful.

Looking super hot in our roller blading gear ;)

After getting cleaned up, we prepared Hobo dinners (or tinfoil dinners if you prefer that name) and then filled up some plastic cups with colored water and went shooting with BB guns! 

We loved being out by the fire, having smores and the whole shebang. I love that Tom enjoys that as much as I do, we both love being outside together better than just about anything. We didn't shoot bows and arrows this time, but we'll get it on the next trip. 

Sunday we went to church and loved hearing people tell us about how our lives are about to change and how I don't look pregnant. Okay that's a touch of sarcasm there because I'm proud of the bump that I have and we're well aware our lives are going to change. But we are so excited to have that change! No matter how hard parenting might be, we are ready to take that challenge on together.
After church I took a nap outside for a bit and it was glorious! We had yummy food, took another super long nap, and enjoyed a lazy Sunday. The neighbors invited us over to shoot their rifles and we couldn't refuse! They're just good ol' neighbors - drinkin' beer and shooting guns on the Sabbath! We had such a good time, and not because we consumed alcohol. Because we didn't. Just clearing that up!
After shooting, we went over to the Lake Point cemetery to decorate Grandpa Cook's grave. I began there a family history project that I'll share more details on another time, but we all enjoyed the visit.

Monday we did a bit more homework, then went for a hike up South Willow Canyon! It was a beautiful day and I'd never been out that far into Tooele. Neither Tom nor I were feeling at the top of our game, but it was still a really great hike.  We had a fun picnic with the family and loved soaking up the sun. I devoured more of Work and the Glory #1 on the way home (umm WHY have I never read those all the way through before?!) while Tom slept.We can't wait to do more hiking!

I promise there were other people there, Tom and I just really enjoy taking 'selfies' ;) I just figured it was high time I put some pictures on this blog, and pictures of Tom and I are the only ones we have from the weekend!

It was such a fun weekend, and I wish it would have lasted just a little bit longer, I was not ready to come back to reality. It always seems to hit harder after a long weekend, doesn't it?

While in Utah, my allergies decided to make their presence known. They had bothered me a little bit the few days before, but they were super bad in Utah. Three cheers for no makeup and constant sniffing! I'm really happy that I can have benadryl now that I'm in my second trimester, and I look forward to a much better sleep tonight because of it.

And here we are, back in Rexburg! I love short weeks, even if I feel a little off balance. We're excited for some fun things coming up in the next few weeks, so stay tuned! I might even post another picture ;)


  1. Sounds like a fun weekend! And yes it is so nice to see pictures of you cuties on this blog :). Sorry about your allergies--that's no fun especially when you can't really take anything for it. Good luck with getting back to the grind of school and work and such. Miss you!!

  2. ok i am so happy for you that your pregnancy seems so easy- so happy you are still able to exercise and everything still. i love you guys! wish we were in utah and you could've snuck over to hang out with us over the weekend :)
