Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Temple to Temple Relay

We did the Temple to Temple relay a couple of weekends ago! It was so much fun. The weather was wonderful, our team was awesome, and afterwards we went to Costa Vida, and I think that's all that needs to be said about that.

Since my 10K I haven't been running as much and especially since I pulled my groin muscle (that's one thing I have definitely suffered, the affects of relaxin in my pregnant body making it so easy to overstretch!). I was supposed to run the shortest leg - 2.6, but ended up only running 1 mile of a different leg and couldn't do anymore. I think Tom picked up an extra few miles between the dividing of other legs of the relay cause he's awesome and can bust miles out like it's nothing. Yeah, my husband is awesome.

The whole team at the Rexburg temple at the start of the race. It was raining, but it cleared up nicely for us :)

Nate dawg running the first leg even though he had bad shin splints. What a champ!

Can we all observe how happy Tom is while he runs? Few things make him happier and I love watching him!

Kenna set her PR by running 7.9 miles! She's training for a half-marathon and obviously has the Cook running gene. I love this picture so much, Kenna is the best!

While waiting to cheer Kenna on, we took this picture and didn't realize till after that neither of us smiled with our real smile. Cute.

Naturally, we found the nearest dog. This boy was such a sweetie and we named him Buster and fed him Wheat Thins. I can't wait till we can have pets!

Almost the whole team at the end, the Idaho Falls temple. What a fun day!

Yeah, I had to show off my belly. If people can tell at all they think I just ate a big lunch or something ;)

That may have been our last Temple to Temple relay at BYU-Idaho! That's sad, but we have loved participating in it whenever they offer it. It made for a super fun weekend!


  1. oh my gosh i laughed so hard at tom's huge grin he had while running. that is SO tom. love it.

  2. Awesome sauce. Love it. Also, I love all the pictures. Good job with that (that sounds really weird in my head, but I'm going to leave it anyway because you'll still love me).
