Monday, September 1, 2014

Summer time part 1

This is the first time that Tom has stayed up in Rexburg for the 7 week break. It's also the first time that we have both had such wide open schedules to do whatever we want! I guess that's an upside to being unemployed and far away from family, eh?

While the semester was a breeze for me, it was actually the third super stressful semester in a row for Tom. All that stress was taking a toll on him so we feel that this summer break is a huge blessing for his health and our sanity. Plus it's just really fun to not have many plans for a bit! We'll certainly never get this chance again in our lives, so we are really trying to soak it in.

So what exactly have we been up to? Well I was blessed to find at-home employment. It seriously is such a huge answer to prayer. I love what I'm doing (secretarial and social media work for an entrepreneur in DC who owns/co-owns 5 different companies) and the flexibility with the schedule. This is a job I'll keep when our little guy makes his world debut as it only requires as little as a few minutes a day if I can't commit to more.

Tom also found a little summer work as a teacher for Education Week at BYU-Idaho. It was not exactly what he had expected, but we're grateful for the income it provided and the learning experience we found it to be.

Other than that, it's been a very relaxing summer! We've watched a lot of movies, cooked a lot of yummy food, worked on organizing our house better, and a lot of fun little things. This is the most time we've spent together in our marriage which I think is a huge blessing right before the baby comes! There always comes a point in time where you feel tired of vacation, ready to get back into a schedule and stuff, you know? For me that's already starting to happen (at least sometimes it is), but Tom says he hasn't quite hit that yet. He has another two weeks to get there before it's forced upon him ;)

We found this sewing machine at DI! There are a couple parts missing but the machine is in excellent condition and we got it for $15 - an unheard of deal for their sewing machines. Yes this may be the second non-functioning sewing machine I have, but I'm really going to get this one usable before summer ends so I can keep myself occupied and work on sewing. My mom is an incredible seamstress and I've never had the patience to learn the art, but I'm determined now!

On one of the three days of Education Week I went to campus to have lunch with Tom. We went to the Greenhouse here on campus (not an eating establishment, it's just literally a greenhouse) which was a first for me. I loved it! I will definitely be going back there if nothing else to enjoy some therapy humidity, warmth, and green lush landscaping that is non-existent during Rexburg winters.

During our first trip to Utah we went to the Oquirrh Mountain temple. I love having so many temples to choose from when we visit! I would love to make it to all the Utah temples one day. So far we've done Provo, Salt Lake City, Bountiful, Jordan River, Oquirrh Mountain. There are still quite a few left with more coming, we'd better get a move on before we leave the west!

One of our summer fun things was buying and painting our initials to hang up on our wall. Then for our anniversary we decided to buy canvas prints of two of our favorite wedding pictures. I love the result! Our room is still quite bare but it's a process, right?

You know what I love? Tom. You know what I also love? Rodeos. And when you get Tom at a FREE rodeo, I think you've got yourself a pretty great night. At least those were my thoughts! The Madison County Fair and Rodeo was going and we couldn't resist a free date! I really do love rodeos. One day I'll be the Rodeo Queen ;) I think my favorite part is the Mutton Bustin' they do for kids 5 and under - it's hilarious! Those are some brave kids, and some crazy sheep!

The pregnancy continues to go extremely well! I reached 28 weeks which means I took the glucose test. I feel blessed becuase I've heard how nasty the drink is and was really not looking forward to it. But my flavor was not bad! It tasted like a melted orange popsicle. A LOT of melted orange popsicle. But everything looks great, still! No diabetes for me. I have been so blessed this pregnancy with great health and strength and there have been absolutely no problems with our baby boy. I really can't complain! I keep telling people that I'm nervous that the delivery will be crazy or that our boy will be two big handfuls or something since my pregnancy has been just too easy! Then one of our friends said "or maybe you'll just have 12 kids and that will be your burden - a big family!" Woah, thanks for the perspective. I guess we'll just have to see...;)

Not pictured events that I could kick myself for:
- Mom, Dad, Jeff, Kerri, Jane, and my in-laws coming to town for graduation! Kenna and I both graduated so it was a fun family affair. Being away from family is hard stuff and I was so grateful that I had a few family members to celebrate graduating with. While they were here, we of course shopped for fabric for a baby quilt and car seat cover. Tom and I showed them a real good Idaho time by taking them bridge jumping! And we ate at The Mandarin - the only legitimate and delicious Chinese food place in Rexburg. It was so nice having family in town, I miss them so much!

- The Baker's came to town! Since they live in New Jersey now it was quite the treat. We LOVED spending a couple of days with them. Kim and Caleb are such great examples to us and it was so so nice to have one of my sisters here to chat with. Being with your sisters does good for the soul, I like to think. Plus being around baby Zoe who was 6 weeks old at the time (I think) was so great - she is the best baby ever! I hope before she came from heaven she taught our baby a thing or two about behaving on earth! We miss you, Bakers, come back anytime!

- Tom's cousin Ali and her two friends came to EFY up here, so they stayed with us one Sunday night and we dropped them off on campus the next day after helping them get situated. It was so fun to have some young girls in the house and remember what it was like to be a teenager anticipating a fun thing like EFY. Most of the excitement was about boys, of course :)

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