I don't feel like I have a whole lot to blog about, but I take pictures! And I can put those up! Because who doesn't want to see pictures of my cute baby??
Ian's hair is LONG. Always has been. We usually comb it over, but sometimes we play around with it and he looks like a different child.
Lately Ian's been doing this thing when he's upset/frustrated/crying and sometimes when he's laughing where he just says "OOOOOOH" and purses his cute little lips. It kills me! Almost convinces me to let him have his way...almost ;)
Going to work with Daddy! The Mid-semester motivation meeting was great, even with creepin' Ryan in the back!
We went to Utah for Kenna's farewell! Is it sad that this is the only picture I have from the weekend? Yes, quite.
Post-dinner playtime with Daddy is the best!
He's a little unsure about the Bumbo still, but I think we're getting to that point where it's good practice for him to sit up!
This boy had his 4 month shots today :( But let it be known that he is in size 2 diapers now...oh my!
Basically this post just proves that my husband is really handsome and a great dad and that we make really cute babies, so far that is.
Your baby is way too cute. What the heck?! I want to snuggle him so bad.