Monday, August 3, 2015

Tooele County Fair

Tom and I love going to fairs! It's been a tradition for the last 3 summers now. We decided to go to the Tooele county fair this last Friday even though we had heard not great reviews. Well, everyone was right, it really was pretty lame. But it was one of those things that could be so great if more people were to go and make it great! Like a stake dance, ya know? Anyway, Ian really enjoyed the sheep and that was cute. We were glad we upheld tradition even if it wasn't as fun as some of the other fairs. We plan on going to the state fair this summer to make up for it :)

Yes, we used hand sanitizer before, during, and after. I'm all for gettin' down and dirty but that was a new level of gross.

The better part of the Tooele County Fair was the demolition derby! Tom's parents watched Ian while we went with Kenna and Ky. It was my first time to a demo derby and there were lots of really interesting people there haha. The best of Tooele county! ;) All jokes aside we had a really good time and I can totally see how people get into demo derbies! For the rest of the night we would say "DERBY!" and pretend to run into each other or imagine running into other cars. After the derby we grabbed a small cake with 4 flavors and a gallon of chocolate milk and ate it at the tables outside Costa Vida. It was a really fun night!

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