Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Caught the bug

No, not a spring bug or anything like that, if that's what you were thinking. Although we did enjoy a few days of sunshine and over the weekend I even got a little red - okay fine pink - in the face from the glorious sun!

But no, that's gone. It's currently snowing outside...yes. Snowing. But have I noticed? Nope. I've been cooped up in my room for the last 36 hours.

It all started when we were exercising, which I think is a good reason for me to say that it wouldn't be the worst thing if I stopped exercising for the duration of my pregnancy. Agreed? ;) I felt..yucky inside. I thought maybe I was just pushing myself too hard, so I tried to take it easy.

By the time we made it home, I wanted to puke. A few hours later, after hitting the hay WAY too early, I did just that. Several times. And then a few hours later I did it again. Then a few hours later I did it again. Except by that point there was literally nothing left inside of me. I HATE throwing up more than a lot of things in this life, so by the third go around I was just straight up angry, egging on all the Flu Gods to take it all, take everything I've got, go ahead. I shouldn't do that...they did what I said.

Yesterday I took half a Unisom, thinking that maybe this was a late first trimester morning sickness and that it would help. Well it kind of helped...after one more (unsuccessful) try at puking, I slept from 9 am till about 2 pm, waking up every once in a while to incoherently look around and wonder if I should maybe turn off the light...which I never did.

Anyway. This is me complaining about having the flu and being pregnant on the first week of my last semester of college. I emailed my teachers and I just know that I'm now "that girl" who skips out of the mile run and perfect pushup test. I guess I'll just have to use the rest of the semester to improve my reputation.

The amazing thing is that in the last 36 hours I have probably been awake for a total of 6 of those hours...maybe 7. I didn't know it was possible to sleep so much! After receiving a Priesthood blessing last night, I was determined to get up and go to classes and work today. While I may have the faith to be healed, I guess I need to remember the part where I need to be patient and have a positive attitude. I HATE being stuck in bed (I think I get it from my Mom), but I'm going to do as much homework as possible and who knows, maybe I'll find something to watch on Netflix. Doubtful, but a girl can dream.

Did you enjoy this rant? I hope you don't catch the bug too. Oh, and to whoever gave it to me, "I hope you step on a lego".

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

And then there were three!

Today has been such a wonderful day...actually this whole week has been so great! It's our spring break, and we are taking total advantage of not having due dates or meetings and whatnot. It's just been so nice to relax and be together! We are so happy.

And not just because of the time off school, we're happy for other reasons too! I wanted to wait until we had something cute to show for it, but things just haven't worked out that way so...

we're pregnant!!

Baby Cook #1 is due November 6th, and we are thrilled! I'm pretty sure that most everyone knows, but we thought we'd make a more public know, for social media's sake ;)

This has been a much different experience than I imagined it would be, but not in a bad way! I haven't thrown up once, and I was hardly sick at all, just a few days of nausea. Tom has been the sweetest husband ever, and allows me to indulge in all my terrible cravings. I don't know that they're pregnancy cravings so much, but regardless, we've had a lot more sugar and saturated fat in our house than in previous months! We're working on that ;)

It still amazes me that Heavenly Father has blessed us with this miracle, that we're actually going to be parents. We are so excited to meet our little one!

Monday, April 7, 2014

New Year's Resolutions...Check

My husband is a runner.

I am not. Or at least, I didn't used to be. Many in my family are runners, and I definitely had the genes for it, but never got into it. I preferred being in the pool where I couldn't feel my sweat or hear myself huffing and puffing...kind of discouraging, huh?

But as Tom and I have run together since getting married, I realized that I could be a really good runner if I played my cards right. AKA if I put forth the effort to actually run. So, I ran! And this year I had a goal to do a 10K. I've really enjoyed running, and found that I feel really good doing it, much to my surprise. 

Then for one of my classes, it was required that we train for a race, and extra credit if we actually ran the race. Sounds good to me - killing two birds with one stone! So we signed up for a fun little 10K in West Valley (The Karen Johnson Memorial run, I highly recommend it!)

And despite unforeseen events that came up in the weeks right before, we did it.

I really should put Tom's picture first since he finished a solid 10 minutes ahead of me...oh well. Even though we have run together, we discovered that we really prefer to run solo. So he went with the front pack, and I found my place somewhere else, and we both ran our own race. It felt so good to accomplish that goal, even if the stupid wind and cold made me so dang mad. I hate the wind. But anyways...that's a really long way to say that we ran a 10K a few weeks ago and had a great time doing it. I even reached my goal of finishing within an hour, so woohoo!

The end.