Last week (Tuesday?) Tom came home from work and said "Guess what today is?" I couldn't think of anything and didn't even try to guess as I am so out of the loop (we never watch TV and I'm usually home all day so I don't get much radio...). He told me it was Cow Appreciation Day and if we dressed up we could get free Chic-Fil-A! I don't think a better sentence was spoken all week! We looked up the details to make sure we would do it right. Then at the end of the day we headed to West Valley. I cut out the cow spots, made "EAT MOR CHIKIN" signs and cow ears for Tom and I on the way, we taped them on when we got there, waltzed in and got $15 worth of the greatest food on the planet. It was a really really good day.
Ian is normally really smiley, especially for pictures! But the sweet lady who took our picture was trying to get him to look at her and smile and since she was a stranger to him, it totally freaked him out. So, our happy little calf. Still cute!
He was spastic at he restaurant, I think he was feeding off the excitement and happiness of the place! He loved watching the kids on the playground and playing with a ziploc bag I had in my purse.
The kid just loves himself! Whenever we turn the camera on him he smiles and says "ooooo!" or "mmmmm!" He is hilarious!
Thanks, Chic-Fil-A, for a free meal, and for giving me an excuse to put on my cowboy boots!
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