This semester has been oh so nice. My classes are all pretty fun and easy, and I've been able to stay on top of assignments, etc. well. It's such a blessing! I thought that with my spare time I would be super good at doing the dishes and keeping our bathroom floor clean or something wifely like that. Maybe even make nice dinner a few times a week, that kind of thing.
And if not that, then surely I could do some reading! So many books on my list of great things to read. And oh how I would craft. And sell our apartment contract. And be a super good visiting teacher.
But sometimes, day to day things aren't what you think they'll be! Somehow, I stay busy with 12 credits and a part time job. 12 pretty easy credits, I should say. It's been a blessing and so great to stay on top of school, and as it's my last semester I'm trying to soak up every second I spend in the classroom.
So you want to know what we actually do instead of what we planned to do? Well, I'll tell you. Prepare yourself for a dry Cook update!
Our typical day consists of me waking up just before 6 to get ready for work at 7. When I get out of the shower, I wake Tom up so that he can get going for the day. I leave for work. I try to keep my phone in my backpack while I walk places these days, after hearing Elder Ballard's CES devotional and his challenge to make quiet time. It's been an incredible change! After work, I go to my classes. Then I exercise. Somewhere along the way (more like all along the way), I snack. A lot. Pregnant lady's gotta eat! In fact, we just invested in a unisex lunch box that I can use on the days I need it and Tom can have on the other days. Nifty! I do homework intermittently or concoct game and lesson ideas for my piano student. I exercise, and am loving the excuse of having to do it for homework. I've been doing more strength training lately (don't worry, I checked with my doctor, I got the green light with a big huge double thumbs up, so I'm lifting and loving it.) Even if I feel sore a majority of the time, I feel strong and I like to think I'm preparing my body for childbirth. Except for you can't really prepare for having yourself ripped open. Moving on!
Now for the husband. Tom is spread very thin this semester. He is teaching Body Weight Management and loving that opportunity, even if his class doesn't get all his jokes ;) He's also the director of Wellness Activities and goes to a loooot of meetings. He's a big boy now! And then just a normal load of classes, which he's enjoying this semester. He continues to amaze me with his capacity to retain knowledge he gets from his classes. He teaches me about some of the things he's learning and I just applaud him for getting it and doing so well. He also continues to amaze me with how well he handles things and keeps working so hard, even when things are difficult.
Together, we try to exercise as often as possible. It's more fun when we're together :) We enjoy dinner at a normal time this semester (usually), and we try to do scriptures, a 10 minute pick up of the house, and be in bed by 10. We've been doing pretty well! We're also beginning to memorize the Proclamation to the World, which is fun. We've done verses of scripture in the past, but this is a fun change.
Current obsessions in our home:
Captain Phillips. We watched it last week and Tom talked and thought and googled about it for a couple of days straight!
Multi-Grain Cheerios. Okay that's just me, but hello! So good!
Making personal pizzas on french bread.
Fried zuccini. That's just Tom, I don't love it myself.
The SUNSHINE! I sat outside for an hour and it felt so so soooo nice to get a little sun on my skin!
Our baby! I'm 15 weeks now, and feeling so great still, even better than before. I have so much energy! I think second trimester combined with the arrival of Spring has made for a rise in my spirit. We talk about our baby often and are so excited to hear the heartbeat again and see him/her again, find out the gender, and eventually meet our little one. Even if the whole "don't lay on your back past the first trimester rule" is really throwing a kink in my sleeping groove and it makes me cranky every night when Tom reminds me to roll to my side and I just want to lay on my stomach. Aside from that, being pregnant is really great. I'm even starting to show a little bit, which I am VERY proud of.
All in all, we are doing very well over here, even if I don't blog about it very well. It's weird, I feel like we're brand newly wed stage again for some reason. Spring time twitterpation, ya know? Tom is the best husband in the world and I am so in love with him and with this life that we have. We are oh so blessed.