Monday, February 9, 2015

Ian is 3 months!

Ian has been on this earth for 3 whole months now!

I didn't know it was possible to feel this way. I just....I just love him a lot. Ian is such a sweet little baby, very easy going and mostly happy. He loves Tom and I, as well as his own reflection, more than anyone else which is validating and very right in my mind and heart. I know we may not always feel like we're his number 1, but right now we are the most important people in his life and I am so happy to be his mom.

Ian is so much fun! This month he became much more interactive, which is a blast for Tom and I. I read to him several times a day (usually before each nap) and have been so grateful that he sits still and looks at the pages. His two favorites are "I Love You Through and Through", and "Goodnight Moon". There are a couple others that he will tolerate sometimes, but he has a very distinct way of letting me know which books he doesn't like, and it's hilarious! I wish I could know what's going on in that brain of his.

He still loves being around someone all the time. I hope that he becomes more of an independent person, but I love being the one he wants to be with all the time. If he's awake but I'm still trying to get things done, this is usually how he looks:

just propped up on a pillow on the bed so that he can see me as I walk around the room cleaning, folding laundry, etc. As long as he can see me/hear me, life is good for little dude.

Milestones of this month:
- Smiling! A lot! Oh it melts my heart
- Laughing! This is so so fun for me, even though I probably look really silly trying to make him laugh all the time
- Teething! He just started on Friday. I hope it happens fast and that it doesn't get drug out for a long time, poor baby!
- Rolling over from tummy to back. The first time I came to get him in the middle of the night and found he had rolled over, I was ecstatic but thought maybe it was a fluke. But he consistently rolls over and is getting really quick at it, at least rolling to the right. We'll work on the other side eventually :)
- Grasping things really well. He likes to grab this mole I have right by my collar bone (is that gross? It's not gross) and one day he scratched it really bad and it hurt! I'll need to have that removed soon. He loves to grab my necklace, and he's finally enjoying his jungle gym! It keeps him occupied for a few minutes at a time which is helpful for me.

He still loves bath time, and has actually started to like having his diaper changed because he likes being naked as much as possible.
Ian loves his binky and sucking on his hands. I hope he takes to his hands more than his binky eventually.

And because it's been mentioned by a few people, I just have to talk about his comb-over. When Ian was born he had a LOT of hair, and we found through experimentation that we really liked how he looked with a comb over. And his hair naturally parted to one side so it was perfect. Now if we ever do anything else, he just doesn't look like our Ian boy, so we keep the do all day, all night!

Happy 3 months, baby boy! I love you more than words could say!

1 comment:

  1. He is so cute, Laura! Hope you and Tom are doing well!
