Thursday, February 5, 2015

Life Lately

Lately around here, things have been gooood. Really good. I feel like I'm getting the hang of this. To say I live a balanced life would be an exaggeration because oh boy I have a long way to go to figure out how to get everything done well and in a timely manner and with my hair done.

Tom has a second interview for a job in Texas today! I am so excited for him. This is scary big kid stuff and he's so ready for it! I love watching him experience this and also feel grateful that it's not me. We are sad and excited to move to Texas (moving from Rexburg will be hard!), but are ready for this next adventure. School continues to go well for Tom, as well as his work with the Biggest Winner program.

I feel so grateful. Every day I try to read my scriptures and pray first, and putting that as a priority has been a source of strength. I've started training for my first half marathon (!!!!) and am so grateful for Tom's support and help as I try to reach that goal of mine. I've been working more lately, which basically means that most of Ian's nap times are filled with calls and emails. I'm so grateful to have this job that is as flexible as my schedule needs to be. Other things get put on the back burner (like cleaning the bathroom), but right now my priority is first family, then work, then keeping a clean home. Some days they switch around, but isn't life all about doing what needs to be done THIS day, and not dwelling on the past or worrying about tomorrow? Really I feel like one of the biggest lessons I'm learning as a mom is to BE PRESENT. When Ian is awake, I try to really be with him. I know he's not even 3 months old, but I want to really be there. I'm not always good at it (HGTV is my weakness!) but I'm trying. When he's asleep and I'm working, I need to WORK. When Tom is home and we have a few minutes alone, BE WITH HIM. Listen, talk, look in the eye, etc. I feel so blessed to be learning these things.

I had to post that picture from today cause he's just so dang cute!! And I'll end with a story:

It's no surprise that Tom and I are poor college students. And we will be poor people for a long time, which is fine because we are so in love with our life and realize that we have so much more than we need, even as things are right now. The other day I forgot that and was stressing about money. "What can we sell? How can we cut back? Can I take on more hours?" and other questions were running through my mind as they do a lot. I was getting so down about it. 

Meanwhile, Ian was having tummy time while I did the dishes. Ian HATES tummy time. He recently started rolling over and I want him to keep getting better/going both ways, etc. so I put him down to practice. As I worked, he was grunting and making noises of frustration. I kept saying "you can do it, bud! Keep goin!" very absentmindedly. Then it hit me, and I felt closer to Heavenly Father. Here we are down on earth, frustrated and struggling and all the while He keeps trying to tell us we can do it and show us how. Usually, my understanding is limited or I'm throwing too loud of a tantrum to hear Him. He always provides a way - whether it's because He let us struggle long enough to figure it out, or because He metaphorically flips us over and gets us out of the situation, He is always there with the perfect way. And then afterward He is there to rejoice with us! He will provide as He always has.

And I'm really grateful for that. I'm grateful for all the lessons that parenting teaches me, even in little moments like that. I'm grateful that God loves me perfectly and is always there for me. I'm glad to know that He is aware of our lives down to the smallest detail and has a plan. I rely on that and trust in that more and more every day.

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