Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Dear 16 Year Old Me, and then some

In my Women's Health class, we watched this video. And I loved it. And I want to spread awareness! So please, if you can spare 5 minutes, watch this wonderful video:

Also, I just wanted to share a really good idea, also from my Women's Health class. Make a health journal! We made a chronic disease family tree, which was very helpful, but I also started a record of diseases/injuries/illnesses Tom and I have had. Obviously, not all of it is going to be passed on to our children. But I think being aware is important. Plus, it's just good to keep a record for your own use! Some people say it's paranoia, but I would so much rather be safe than sorry.

It can be simple - mine is just a word document! It has the date, and the issue, along with what happened. It goes in chronological order. You could make one for each person in your family, or a big family tree, whatever - it's up to you. Let's take control of our health, yeah? Part of that is through being knowledgeable about our own bodies and what's normal for us.

Oh, and share the video, should you feel so inclined :) You can find the direct link to the movie here, it's called Dear 16 Year-Old Me. They even have it in other languages, which is really neat.

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