Friday, September 20, 2013

Fond and Un-fond

Things I'm un-fond of right now:

- I finished painting today. I mean that for reals this time. So now our furniture is pulled away from the walls and it makes everything look that much messier.

- Tom's homework and studying has, by demand, kicked in full force. Goodbye, husband time.

- Every time I go in to do the in store part of my application at Walgreens, the store net is down. Talk about frustrating.

Things I'm fond of right now:

- Despite the mess, I am really loving our dingy little apartment. I know one day we'll look back and miss it, so I'm trying to soak it in while I can.

- My husband is amazing. He works so hard, and does so well at school, and he makes sure that we eat lunch together and get some time during the day to talk and be together. I am SO grateful for that.

- The other day Tom taught me how do use the free weights a little bit. Squats and dead lifts hurt, in case any of you were wondering. But a good kind of know? Since running isn't so much of an option these days, I'm enjoying finding other ways to work out hard.

- Yesterday when I was grocery shopping, I thought about how good I had been doing on not spending frivilously. Well, then I bought a bag of coconut so I could make a healthy treat, and I bought a baguette cause it just smelled so good and warm, and I bought a bag of Utah peaches. I don't need a reason for that last one. Good thing they're all yummy and not toooo expensive ;)

- We have plans to play Wallyball tonight, and I think we're all just itching to get back, we haven't played in forever! It should be really fun.

Happy Weekend!

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