Monday, September 9, 2013

Good Friends

This weekend, we went to Provo to spend time with my family. Not only did we hang out with them and have a blast, but we also got to see some other really great people. Unfortunately we didn't have time to see everyone we would have liked to, but I know we'll be back soon and make it happen then. Just too much fun to have in one weekend!

After we left my sister's house, we stopped by an apartment of Tom's really close guy friends, all from his high school. I've gotten to know these boys a little bit over the past few months, but last night just confirmed to me how lucky we are to have such good friends. We stayed there talking for over an hour, and I wouldn't have believed it if you told me cause time just flew by! We were so busy sharing stories about badgers, rampaging buffalo, and injured birds (we talked about other things too, just so you know), that we didn't even think to look at the clock.

I love those kinds of friends. I'm so grateful for the good friends Tom has that are now my friends too - that's another perk to getting married! I hope that our kids have good friends like that. Friends play such a huge part in our lives! I truly believe that they are gifts from God, and I'm so grateful for the good friends in mine and Tom's lives.

(Unfortunately, we are both thoroughly absent minded when it comes to remembering to take pictures. So, this is just a wordy post without any pictures, which is really sad since it may be the last time we see Tom's best friend for a long while! We'll do better next time!)

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