Thursday, September 5, 2013

Throwback Thursday

Maybe #tbt is just for Instagram. But I can't help but thinking about last night as we were getting up from dinner and my husband grabs my hand and says, in his most cheesy dramatic voice, "Everyone, I have an announcement to make." I had no idea what he was about to say, and trying to prepare myself for something big. "3 weeks ago today, I took my beautiful sweetheart to the temple and married her."

I couldn't hear what else he was saying because I was too busy laughing. We like to be stupidly dramatic about mooshy things, like week anniversaries and stuff. 

And even though it was a joke, I melted a little bit. 

Thinking about our wedding day does that to me.

So here's to Throwback Thursday, to 3 weeks and 1 day ago when I was sealed to my favorite person on the planet, in the most beautiful place. To when I cried my eyes out because of all the love I felt in that room. To when I became a Cook. To when I graduated from single life to Cooking for Two. To when I felt so grateful to God for blessing me with so much that I thought I would fly into Heaven!

There really is no way to describe those feelings. But I sure like trying, even if it does sound ridiculous and cheesy.

And this is our blog! I've always had my own blog, but I think that married status gives you license to a new blog. It won't be anything marvelous or fantastic, and I can't even promise consistent posting. This is just a way for you to keep up with us, if you feel so inclined.

So, welcome to the Cook life!

1 comment:

  1. You can bet I'll be following! I love to keep up with the Andersen girls on your cute blogs. It makes me feel like I'm "in the loop" even though we all live so far apart, and don't get to see each other as often as I want to!

    I'm so happy to see you so happy! And I loved the way you described your feelings. You are the cutest.
